
2022Editor-in Chief, Tel Aviv University Press
2022The Hannelore Kipp Chair in the the Study of Art, Tel Aviv University

Board of Government (Regierungsrat), Tel Aviv University

2021 Professor Honorarium, Universität Wien
2019Titular Member and Co-President of the Israeli Board, CIHA (Comité International d'Histoire de l'Art)
2018Full Professor (Ordinarius), Tel Aviv Uniersity
2018-2020Head of the Multi- and Interdisciplinary Programs in the Arts
2014-2020Director of the Tel Aviv Israeli Art Foundation

ICMA (International Center of Medieval Art), New York, International Associate and Board of Member Committee

2013Associate Professor, Tel Aviv University
2012-2016 Chair of the Art History Department, Tel Aviv University
2012-2016 Director of the University Gallery of Art
2012-2016Co-Head and Founder of the History and Theory of Photography Studies Program
2009-2011 Chair Person, IMAGO – The Israeli Association for Visual Culture in the Middle Ages
2007Senior Lecturer (tenured), Tel Aviv University
2004-2006Postdoctoral Fellow, Albert-​Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
2002-2004 Assistant (Junior Faculty), Tel Aviv University
1998-2002 Promotion, Art History Department, Tel Aviv University



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