Dr. David Misteli, BA MA

Mittelbauvertretung (Hauptmitglied)

Ausschuss für Frauenforschung und Gender Studies der historisch-kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät (Hauptmitglied)


Zi: 3F.02.06A
T: +43-1-4277-41442
E: david.misteli@univie.ac.at


I am a Postdoc Faculty Member with the Department of Art History at the University of Vienna. After completing my PhD in Art History at the University of Basel in 2021 and before joining the University of Vienna, I was awarded an Early Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship by the Swiss National Science Foundation and served as a Visiting Professor for Art History at the Universität der Künste Berlin.

My first book Van Gogh in Paris. Malerei und Ausdruck in der Moderne (Schwabe 2024) explores and reframes Vincent van Gogh’s painting in the context of the Parisian Avantgarde. In the face of a major crisis of expression in modern art, I argue, van Gogh’s Montmartre landscapes reveal a profound engagement with modern painting’s dissatisfactions with artistic communication. Precisely the less acknowledged Parisian oeuvre thus emerges as a critical negotiation of the plausibility of the painter as their works’ subject of expression. The second book project currently in preparation is dedicated to the nexus between painting and the literary genre of the novel from the 19th to the early 20th century, from Honoré Daumier’s Cervantes reception to Vanessa Bell’s and Virginia Woolf’s sisterhood, and their shared concern to give artistic form to the emerging and transforming social and political forms of life and identity, and, more specifically, to modern life as a matter of (self-)formation.