“Annibale Carracci’s Lasting Influence. A Newly Identified Nude Study by Andrea Sacchi.” Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte LXVII (2023): 137–45.
“A Friendship that Defined the Seicento: Giovan Pietro Bellori and Carlo Maratti.” In Art et amitié aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles en Europe, edited by Marine Roberton and Charlotte Rousset, 193–211. Paris: Éditions du GRHAM, 2023.
“An Indignant Letter: Carlo Maratti and Raphael as Paradigm.” Paragone Arte, no. 171 (2023): 42–58.
“Hic est Raphael? Carlo Maratti and the Figure of the Artist in the Seventeenth Century.” Anales de Historia Del Arte 33 (2023): 61–73.