- (Monografie) „Alois Riegl. Eine Neubewertung seines Barockbegriffs anhand ausgewählter unpublizierter Passagen seiner Manuskripte (tr. Alois Riegl. A Reassessment of his Concept of ‘Baroque’ in Light of Selected Passages in his Unpublished Manuscripts), Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2024.
- (Peer-Review-Begutachtung) “Alois Riegl’s ‘Baroque’ in the light of selected passages in his unpublished manuscripts, in: Journal of Art Historiography, 29 (2023), URL:
- (Peer-Review-Begutachtung) “Alois Riegl and his lecture notes. A reinterpretation of his concept of ‘Baroque’”, in: Journal of Art Historiography, 22 (2020), URL:
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