Curriculum vitae
Academic experience
November 2013: Defense of PhD thesis “Narration visuelle et récit iconique”, directed by Jacqueline Lichtenstein, Philosophy Department, Paris IV Sorbonne
“Full honors” (“Mention très honorable avec félicitations du jury”).
Jury members:
Jacqueline Lichtenstein, professor for aesthetics, Paris IV Sorbonne
John Hyman, professor for aesthetics, Oxford University, Editor in chief of the British Journal of Aesthetics
Jean-Marie Schaeffer, professor for philosophy, EHESS, Directeur de recherches CNRS
Etienne Jollet, Professor for art history, Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, member of the national institute for art history
Françoise Revaz, professor in the theory of literature, Fribourg University
Bernard Vouilloux, professor in the theory of literature, Paris IV Sorbonne
2006: Mphil directed by Jocelyn Benoist und Sandra Laugier, University Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France. An analysis of short forms of writing as instantiation of non-linear thinking.
2004: Master directed by Maryvonne Saison, University Nanterre, Nanterre, France. An analysis of René Magritte's word-paintings, focussing on the differences and relationships between verbal and pictorial representation.
2003-2006: Studies of Philosophy and Art History, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France
2003: Bachelor in Philosophy, Logics and Theory of Science at LMU University, Munich, Germany
2000: Abitur at Droste-Hülshoff Gymnasium Meersburg, Scheffelpreis
Born: 1979 in Reutlingen, Germany
2012-2015: Part-Time Lecturer, Ecole supérieure Estienne des arts et industries graphiques, Master of Communications Design and Strategies, Master Typography, Paris, France
2012-2015: Part-Time Lecturer, Strate Ecole de Design, Masters in design, Sèvres, France
2013: Visiting Part-Time Lecturer, University of Konstanz, B. A. Literature, Art, Media, Konstanz, Germany
2012-2013: Temporary assistant for research and teaching (ATER), Philosophy Department, Paris IV Sorbonne, Paris, France
November 2011-April 2012: Temporary Replacement Professor in Semiotics, Ecole supérieure Estienne des arts et industries graphiques. Master of Communications Design and Strategies and Master of Typography.
2009 – 2011: Invited Lecturer in the Bachelor in Political Sciences, Sciences Po, Poitiers, France.
2006 – 2009: Doctoral Teaching Assistant, Philosophy Department, Paris Sorbonne
Other professional activities
2015: Curator of De l'écriture de l'écriture, Galerie Vinzenz Sala, Paris
2014: Curator of Recouvrements, Galerie Malin Robin, Paris
2009: Co-creation of French-German artspace and residency Fluchtpunkt/Point de fuite, Leipzig, Germany
2006/2007: Co-organizer of L'exposition des idées, an exhibition and a series of lectures on the role of concepts in art and in philosophy, Villa Arson, Nice
2003/2004: Founding organizer of two discussion groups at Ecole normale supérieure: Contemporary philosophy of art, Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations
Professional Affiliation
Since 2013: Membre permanent du Centre Victor Basch. Recherches en Esthétique, Université Paris Sorbonne
Since 2011: AICA. The International Association of Art Critics
Professional Services
February 2015: President of the Master's Jury DNSEP (National Superior Diploma in Artistique Expression), Institut supérieur des Beaux-Arts Besançon
May 2014: President of the Master's Jury DNSAP (National Superior Diploma in Plastic Arts), Ecole nationale supérieure d'art de Nancy
December 2014: Corrections for the “contemporary questions” exams of IEP, the preparations for political sciences (Sciences Po) studies
Since 2012: Member of the selection board for the Master of Communications Design and Strategies, Ecole supérieure Estienne des arts et industries graphiques
Since 2011: Invited member of the jury in the Master of Communications Design and Strategies, Ecole supérieure Estienne des arts et industries graphiques
2009-2010: Peer reviewer “art” for Revue Multitudes
Academic prizes, rewards, Fellowships
2015: Meitner-Stipendiat Postdoc, Cognitive Science Platform Universität Wien
2015: Winner of the AICA France Prize for Art-Criticism (Endowment: 10K Eur)
2006-2009: Doctoral Scholarship and stipend, University Paris Sorbonne
2007: “Prix Argument” for the best Mphil thesis in philosophy at Ecole Normale Supérieure
2003-2006: Student scholarship and stipend, Sélection Internationale, Ecole Normale Supérieure
2003: Government of Canada Award
Choice of invited talks
Septembre 2015: “Le droit de la divergence”, Talk during the integration week, EDHEC, Lille, France
April 2015: “L'image peut-elle être un récit ?”, Les lundis de la philosophie, Ecole normale supérieure, Paris, France
October 2014: “Lessing face à la peinture narrative”, Seminar of Raphaël Baroni: Récits et image, Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
November 2014: “Une intrigue dans l'image. Impossibilité sémiotique ?”, Recherches contemporaines en narratologie, CRAL (EHESS), Paris, France
May 2014: “Erzählung, Beschreibung und darüber hinaus”, Research seminar in Art History, Konstanz University, Konstanz, Germany
March 2014: “Et pourtant elle raconte !”, Seminar of Françoise Revaz : Théories narratologiques : histoire et méthodes, Université de Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland
March 2013: “« But it does tell! » Working towards a new consensus on the narrative picture. The problem of time.”, European Narratology Network Conference, Paris, France
April 2011: “Y-a-t-il une histoire dans cette peinture?”, Opening talk of the conference Sortir de la grille du Modernisme : la narration, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Art, Bourges, France
March 2008: “Change of perspective as a heuristic device in Lichtenberg and Wittgenstein”, International Symposion Goethe/Lichtenberg/Wittgenstein, University Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France
December 2007: “Teaching differences: Art, science and engineering”, Syntopia, Deutsches Museum & Kunstmuseum, Bonn, Germany
October 2007: “The subversive bourgeois. A posture.”, Guest lecture, Jozsa Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
March 2007: “Does Wittgenstein offer concepts for the interpretation of pictures ?”, ExeCo, University Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France
September 2006: “Photographic depiction and pictorial representation. What’s special about painting?”, Tri-annuel meeting of the Société de Philosophie Analytique, Aix, France
May 2006: “painter's photographs : painting and photography”, École de printemps en histoire de l’art, Lausanne & Geneva, Switzerland
May 2005: “Perception as a subject for art: The example of La Clef des Songes (1927) by René Magritte”, École de printemps en histoire de l’art, Frankfurt & Munich, Germany
April 2006: “Valéry, Wittgenstein and non-linear thinking”, Centre Georges Canguilhem, University Jussieu, Paris, France
December 2005: “Paul Valéry's criticism of aesthetics”, Seminar of Jacqueline Lichtenstein : La pensée artistique, University Paris Sorbonne, Paris, France
March 2005: “Drawing, satire and photography : Karl Kraus and Oskar Kokoschka”, Seminar of Jacqueline Lichtenstein: La pensée artistique, University Paris Sorbonne, Paris, France
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