What is a Creative Act?


Shiraga Kazuo and Lygia Pape in a Global Context

John Rajchmann (Columbia University)

Vortragsreihe der Kunsthistorischen Gesellschaft

Ort: Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Universitätscampus Hof 9, Seminarraum 1

Adresse: Garnisongasse 13, 1090 Wien

Zeit: 18:00 Uhr c.t.

Bild rechts:
Kazuo Shiraga, Painting with his Feet, the Second Gutai Art Exhibition. 1956. Courtesy Yukio Tahara/The Mainici Newspapers/AFLO.
Lygia Pape. Divisor (Divider).1968.  Performance at Museu de ARte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro. 1990. Courtesty of Projeto Lygia Pape.

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Kazuo Shiraga, Painting with his Feet, the Second Gutai Art Exhibition. 1956. Courtesy Yukio Tahara/The Mainici Newspapers/AFLO. Lygia Pape. Divisor (Divider).1968.  Performance at Museu de ARte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro.1990.Courtesty of Projeto Lygia Pape