Research activities

1968 and 1969: Participation in two research expeditions of the Institut für Kunstgeschichte und Denkmalpflege (institute of art history and restoration) at the Vienna University of Technology to Selge in Pisidia (Turkey)

1970 and 1972: Participation in excavations carried out by the State University of New York in Aphrodisias in Caria (Turkey)

1976–1982: Participation in the restoration project Grab des Anch'Hor in Theben-West (Ägypten) (tomb of Anch-hor in western Thebes, Egypt)

1979 and 1980: Participation in excavations in Tell el-Dab'a (Egypt) carried out by the Austrian Archaeological Institute Cairo Branch

1988: Participation in excavations in Abu Fana (Egypt)

1976–1979: Research assignment by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) to do academic research on the material Bauforschungen in Selge (building research in Selge)

1980–1986: Research assignments by the FWF to do scientific research on the material Christliche Denkmäler in Sayala/Nubien (Ägypten) (Christian monuments in Sayala/Nubia, Egypt)

1992–1994: Project leader of FWF project P 8937-HIS: Computergestützte Architekturdarstellung (computer-assisted display of architecture)

1995–1996: Project leader of FWF project P 10449-HIS: Das künstlerische Werk von Carl Auböck (1900–1957) (the artistic oeuvre of Carl Auböck, 1900–1957)

1996–1998: Project leader of FWF project P 11504-HIS: Studien zur Architektur des 13. Jahrhunderts in Österreich (studies on Austrian architecture of the thirteenth century)

1998–2001: Project leader of the research project no. 7101 of the Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Austrian central bank): Felsbilder aus Sayala (petroglyphs in Sayala)

2000–2001: Project leader of FWF project P 13959-ARS: Die Villenarchitektur der Jahrhundertwende am Semmering (turn-of-the-century villa architecture in Austria's Semmering region)

2002–2003: Project leader of FWF project P 15250: Historischer Baubestand in den Kellern der Wiener Innenstadt (historical building stock in the basements of Vienna's inner district)

2003–2006: Austrian head of bilateral research project Action Austria–Czech Republic, project number 37p9: Gegenseitige Beziehungen der Sakralarchitektur des 13. und 14. Jahrhunderts in den böhmischen und österreichischen Ländern (mutual relations of sacral architecture of the thirteenth and fourteenth century in Bohemian and Austrian countries) in cooperation with the Institute of Christian Art at Charles University in Prague

2006–2013: Project head of FWF project P 18954-GO8 and P 21965-G21: Die mittelalterliche Baugeschichte der Wiener Hofburg (medieval building history of the Vienna Hofburg palace)

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