Dr. Silvia Tammaro

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2020 Post-doctoral-Project „Luigi Girolamo Malabaila di Canale: Art Collector and Agent“, funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)

2019 PhD at the University of Vienna. Supervisor: Prof. Sebastian Schütze.

Dissertation project: The Theatrum Sabaudiae and the artistic and cultural exchange between Turin, Amsterdam and Vienna (1660-1740)

2015-2019 Fellow of the Vienna Doctoral Academy "Theory and Methodology in the Humanities", Researchgroups: "Erzählen interdisziplinär - Text und Bilder" (Narrative in Texts and Images) and "Aufklärungforschung" (Research about the Age of Enlightenment)

2015-2018 Predoctoral Research Assistant (Uni:docs Fellowship) to Prof. Sebastian Schütze at the Department of Art History, University of Vienna

2015-2016 Fellowship and research stay in Rome (Austrian Historical Institute of Rome, ÖHI)

Study of Architecture and Art History in Turin and Vienna

Key research areas

Art and Architecture of the Early Modern Period

Cultural transfer between Italy and the Northern Europe

Patronage of Prince Eugene of Savoy

Narratology and Visual Narrative


Theatrum Sabaudiae. Das Kupferstichwerk der Herzöge von Savoyen. Entstehung, Rezeption, Funktionswandel (1660–1740), Vienna 2021.

Edited volumes
Arte e cultura italiana a Vienna. Esiti e contesti di una presenza continua (Römische Historische Mitteilungen, vol. LXIV), Andreas Gottsmann/Cecilia Mazzetti di Pietralata/Silvia Tammaro (eds.), Vienna 2022 (in print).

Travelling Objects. Botschafter des Kulturtransfers zwischen Italien und dem Habsburgerreich, Gernot Mayer/Silvia Tammaro (eds.), Vienna 2018.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Auf den Spuren der Savoyischen Nation in Wien. Künstlerischer Transfer unter dem Schutz des heiligen Franz von Sales, in: Andreas Gottsmann/Cecilia Mazzetti di Pietralata/Silvia Tammaro (eds.), Arte e cultura italiana a Vienna. Esiti e contesti di una presenza continua (Römische Historische Mitteilungen, vol. LXIV), Vienna 2022 (in print)

Die Kunstsammlung von Luigi Girolamo Malabaila di Canale, Savoyischer Botschafter in Wien, in: Sebastian Schütze/Cecilia Mazzetti di Pietralata (eds.), Kunst und Diplomatie. Habsburgische Netzwerke und das Kunstsammeln in Europa, Berlin/Boston 2022 (in print)

Anton Maria Zanetti and Antonio Daniele Bertoli as agents in the sale of Eugene of Savoy’s collection, in: Matej Klemenčič/Enrico Lucchese (eds.), Patrons, Intermediaries and Venetian Artists in Vienna and Imperial Domains (1650–1750), Ljubljana 2022, 125-133.

In Effigiem Caroli Emanuelis II. Emanuele Tesauro e la sfida tra pittura e poesia nel “Theatrum Sabaudiae”, in: Stefan Albl/Anna Frasca-Rath/Berthold Hub (eds.), Close reading. Festschrift für Sebastian Schütze, Berlin/Boston 2021, 523-535.

Kunstagenten im Dienste Prinz Eugens von Savoyen: Ankäufe und Aufträge in Turin, Mailand, Bologna und Neapel, in: Gernot Mayer/Silvia Tammaro (eds.), Travelling Objects. Botschafter des Kulturtransfers zwischen Italien und dem Habsburgerreich, Vienna 2018, 89-114.

Il vero modo di rappresentare le vittorie di un principe. Le incisioni di Jan Huchtenburgh per il Principe Eugenio di Savoia, in: Studi Piemontesi, XLVI, II(2017), 457-474.

La Basilica di Superga e la Karlskirche di Vienna: due opere a confronto nell’analisi di Albert Ilg, in: Studi Piemontesi, XLV, II(2016), 423-440.

Un nuovo modo di vedere la città. Vienna nelle riproduzioni di Joseph Daniel von Huber, in: Il Tesoro delle Città. Strenna dell’Associazione Storia della città, VIII, 2013-2014, 181-195.

Lexicon and catalog contributions
Catalog contributions on Everhard Jabach’s Collection in: Sebastian Schütze (ed.), Dai Medici ai Rothschild. Mecenatismo e collezionismo di grandi banchieri, Milan 2022 (in print)

Entries on Eugene of Savoy, Friedrich Karl von Schönborn und Luigi Girolamo Malabaila di Canale in: Sebastian Schütze (ed.), Sammelband der Wiener Sammlungen, Berlin/Boston 2021 (in print)

Conferences and Workshops (selection)

March 2022, Vienna – Conference "La Vienna di Metastasio (1730-1782)", organized by META, CIDIM, Austrian National Library, Don Juan Archiv, Università di Napoli Federico II, Università di Genova. Conference paper: "Una vita tra politica, arte e lettere: Luigi Girolamo Malabaila conte di Canale e l’amicizia con Metastasio"

January 2021, Vienna (online) – Conference "Kunst und Diplomatie. Habsburgische Netzwerke und das Kunstsammeln in Europa", organized by the University of Vienna and the Vienna Center for the History of Collecting. Conference paper: " Le collezioni di Luigi Girolamo Malabaila di Canale, ambasciatore sabaudo a Vienna"

September 2020, Ljubljana (online) – Conference "Patrons, Intermediaries and Venetian Artists in Vienna and Imperial Domains (1650–1750)", organized by the International Center for Comparative Historical Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. Conference paper: "An International Charade. Anton Maria Zanetti the Elder and Eugene of Savoy’s Paintings"

November 2020, Vienna (online) – Organization of the international conference "Arte e cultura italiana a Vienna. Esiti e contesti di una presenza continua" (with Cecilia Mazzetti di Pietralata), in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute in Vienna and the Vienna Center for the History of Collecting. Conference paper: "Auf den Spuren der Savoyischen Nation in Wien"

June 2017, Vienna - Conference "Die Karlskirche in Wien im Spannungsfeld von Religion und Politik", Conference paper: "Karlskirche und Superga. Ein Vergleich vor dem Hintergrund der römischen Barockarchitektur"

May 2017, Rome - Organization of the international conference "Travelling Objects. Botschafter des Kulturtransfers zwischen Italien und dem Habsburgerreich", with Gernot Mayer, in collaboration with the Austrian Historical Institute of Rome (ÖHI). Conference paper: "Il Principe Eugenio di Savoia: ambizione, rappresentazione e collezionismo tra Vienna e Torino"

August 2016, Vienna - Study Course on the Theory and Practice of Drawings, organized by Albertina and the Department of Art History, University of Vienna. Conference paper: "Zeichnungen und Kupferstiche: Entstehung und Rezeption des Theatrum Sabaudiae"

June 2016, Einsiedeln - International Baroque Summer Course of the Werner Oechslin Library Foundation, Einsiedeln: "Die Inszenierung des Heiligen". Conference paper: "Die Darstellung der Edicola del Santissimo Sacramento in dem Theatrum Sabaudiae"

March 2015, Munich – Participation at PALATIUM Master Class: Court Residences as Places of Exchange in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, 1400-1700

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