Memberships and Awards

since 2001Member of the scientific advisory board of the Instituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Naples
since 2006Member of the Comitato Nazionale per le celebrazioni del 500mo Anniversario della Fondazione della Nuova Basilica Vaticana, Rome
since 2006Guest curator at the National Gallery in Ottawa
since 2008Member of the scientific advisory board of the international online journal "I Margini del Libro - Die Ränder des Buches", University of Basel
since 2009Member of the selection panel for the Bader Award for Art History of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
since 2012Alternate Member for Austria of the Comité International d'Histoire de l'Art/CIHA
since 2012    Member of the international advisory board of the jounral "Storia dell'Arte", Rome
since 2013Corresponding Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
since 2014Member of the scientific advisory board of the international journal „Ricche Minere“, Venice
since 2014 Member of the scientific advisory board of the Mitglied Fondazione De Vito per la Storia dell’Arte Moderna a Napoli, Vaglia (Florence)
since 2015Member of the scientific advisory board of the Stiftung Werner Oechslin, Einsiedeln, Switzerland
since 2016Member for Austria of the Comité International d'Histoire de l'Art/CIHA
since 2016Full member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
2018Guest professorship at the Università La Sapienza in Rome
since 2018Member of the international advisory board of the journal "Confronto", Naples
since 2019Member of the scientific advisory board of the journal "Venezia Arti", Venice
since 2019Member of the scientific advisory board of the journal "Κριτική", Urbino
since 2020Member of the scientific advisory board of the international research project "Bernini's Bronzes", University of Toronto, Getty Museum, Art Gallery of Ontario
since 2021Member of the national committee for the Tricentenary of Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach's Death
1998Received Hanno and Ilse Hahn-Award
2008Received Premio Daria Borghese
2013Invitation to the "Lezzioni Basilesi", Guest professorship at the Department of Italian Studies at the University of Basel


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