Curriculum vitae

1962: Born in Milan

1973–1980: French Lycée

1983–1990: Studies of Art History, Classical Archaeology and Egyptology
at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

1993–1995: Member of the Graduate School Die italienische Renaissance und ihre europäische Rezeption (the Italian Renaissance and its reception in Europe) at the University of Bonn

1996: Doctorate at the University of Basel
Title of doctoral thesis: Beschreibung und Nachzeichnung der Skulpturen Michelangelos. Eine Geschichte der Kunstbetrachtung (Descriptions and Drawings of Michelangelo's Sculptures – A History of Art Reception), published by Deutscher Kunstverlag: Munich/Berlin 2000, awarded with the Wolfgang Ratjen Award for distinguished research in the history of graphic arts, by the Central Institute of Art History, Munich

1996–2004: Assistant Professor, Department of Art History, University of Freiburg i.B.

2003: Habilitation at the University of Freiburg i.B. (thesis published as catalogue of the exhibition: Turner – Hugo – Moreau: The Discovery of Abstraction, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt am Main, 2007–2008)

2004: Maître de conférences associé, Collège de France, Paris

2004–2009: Chair in Early Modern and Modern Art History at Heidelberg University

2007–2008: Fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg (Institute for Advanced Study) Berlin

Since 2009: Professor of Medieval and Early Modern Art History at the Department of Art History, University of Vienna

2011: Co-founder of the Cognitive Science Research Platform at the University of Vienna

2012 (Jan./Feb.): Visiting Professor at the Collège de France, Paris
Que fait l'oeil du spectateur? Pour une histoire de la perception des oeuvres d'art” (What does the spectator's eye do? For a history of the perception of artworks) Video streams of the four presentations (in French/English)

2015 (Nov.) Visiting Professor at the University of Lille

2020 (March to August) Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study on Media Cultures of Computer Simulation (MECS), funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) at the Leuphana University Lüneburg

2023-2024 Fellow, Italian Academy, Columbia University, New York

2024 (May-June) Visiting Professor at the University of São Paulo, Brazil

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