Publications (selected)
Some publications online accessible: or
Books: Monographs
Moscheen und Madrasabauten in Iran 1785–1848: Architektur zwischen Rückgriff und Neuerung
(Islamic History and Civilization: Studies and Texts; 62) [Mosque and Madrasa Buildings in Iran 1785–1848: Architecture Between Re-adaptation and Innovation]
E-Book edition: Leiden: Brill, 2022
Print edition: Leiden, Boston: Brill [2005] 2006 (xviii, 1001 pages with 19 text figures and English summary, 202 fully illustrated pages). ISBN 978-9004144811
(and Nourane Ben Azzouna) Der Goldkoran: aus der Zeit der Seldschuken und Atabegs;
Vollständige Faksimile-Ausgabe von Cod. arab. 1112 der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München: Kommentar / The Golden Qur ’an: from the Age of the Seljuks and Atabeg; Completely reproduced facsimile of Cod. arab. 1112 of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich: Commentary, Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 2015 (178 pages, 26 fully illustrated, German & English)
ISBN 978-3-201-01999-6
Der umayyadische Palast des 8. Jahrhunderts in Ḫirbat al-Minya am See von Tiberias: Bau und Baudekor,
The 8th-Century Umayyad Palace Khirbat al-Minya at the Sea of Tiberias - Architecture and Architectural Decoration (German with English summary), Wiesbaden: Reichert, 2017 (Studies in Islamic Art and Archaeology | Studien zur islamischen Kunst und Archäologie; 1). 395 pp., 560 ills. in b/w and color, 72 line drawings, 1 folded plan. ISBN 978-3-89500-679-1
Edited Anthologies
Edited Proceedings
(and Mattia Guidetti, eds) Islamic Archaeology,
in: Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 25–29 April 2016, Vienna, vol. 1, eds B. Horejs, C. Schwall, V. Müller, M. Luciani, M. Ritter, M. Guidetti, Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz 2018. ISBN 978-3-447-10996-3
Facsimile Projects
Der Goldkoran | The Golden Koran
Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cod. arab. 1112, 184 fols., Facsimile edition, Graz: Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 2011 (Codices Selecti; 108) ISBN 978-3201019446
Journal Articles and Books Chapters
Image of Architecture with God's Word: The Luster Tile Panel of a Prayer Niche from Kashan | Bild einer Architektur mit Gottes Wort, in: Miriam Kühn and Martina Müller-Wiener (Hg. | eds), Lüsterkeramik: Schillerndes Geheimnis | Lustre Ceramic: Shimmering Mystery, Berlin: Museum für Islamische Kunst - Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Petersberg: Michael Imhof Verlag, 2022, pp. 80-99.
In Memoriam Dorothea Duda (1937–2017), in: Markus Ritter and Nourane Ben Azzouna, with Sabiha Göloglu (eds), Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie, vol. 8 (2022), pp. 2-10.
中世纪晚期欧洲语境中的西亚金布:维也纳的 不赛因织物——王公葬礼和文化迁徙 transl. CHEN Liang, Annals of Transcultural History of Art (Beijing) 3/2022, pp. 81-103.
欧洲的伊斯兰艺术:围绕着一件织物的讨论 transl. CHEN Liang, Annals of Transcultural History of Art (Beijing) 3/2022, pp. 471-481.
Re-Assessing Art of Islamic Countries in the Modern Period, in: Markus Ritter and Nourane Ben Azzouna, with Sabiha Göloglu (eds), Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie, vol. 8 (2022), pp. 11-15, 223.
„Eine neue Richtung geben”: Islamische Kunst in der Rezeption des Historismus in Mitteleuropa ["Providing a New Direction": Islamic Art in the Reception of Historicist Art in Central Europe], in: Maximilian Hartmuth and Julia Rüdiger (eds), Gezimmertes Morgenland (Vienna: Böhlau 2021), pp. 15-44.
Aquatic Glass Floors in Early Islam, Journal of Glass Studies (Corning, NY) 62/2020, pp. 273-281.
with Laura W. Adlington and Nadine Schibille, Production and Provenance of Architectural Glass From the Umayyad Period, PLoS ONE, online 28.9.2020.
A Glass Room in Abbasid Palaces, Reference to Solomon, and a ‘Unique’ Bottle in Tehran
Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie 12/2019 (2020), pp. 226-255.
کاشیهای شیشه ای در قصرهای عباسی، تنگ آبگینۀ تهران و کف آبگونۀ کاخ حضرت سلیمان Journal of Iranian Handicrafts 3/2019 (2022), pp. 93-113.
Die frühabbasidischen Glasböden und ihre Ikonographie [Glass floors and their iconography], ch. in: Raqqa, vol. 5, ed. Stefan Heidemann, Palaces at Raqqa: Architectural Decoration, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018 in print.
Eastern Elements in Umayyad Architecture: Audience Hall and Ceremonial Space in Residences, in: Neslihan Asutay-Effenberger and Falko Daim (eds), Sasanidische Spuren in der byzantinischen, kaukasischen und islamischen Kunst und Kultur | Sasanian Elements in Byzantine, Caucasian and Islamic Art and Culture, Mainz 2019, pp. 37–60 (Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident; 15).
Die frühabbasidische Malerei: Wände, Böden, Fassungen [Painting: walls, floors and other], ch. in: Raqqa, vol. 5, ed. Stefan Heidemann, Palaces at Raqqa: Architectural Decoration, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018 in print.
Abbasidische Holzdecken und bemaltes Holz [Wooden ceilings and painted wood], ch. in: Raqqa, vol. 5, ed. Stefan Heidemann, Palaces at Raqqa: Architectural Decoration, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018 in print.
Beschnitztes und bemaltes Holz verschiedener Perioden [Carved and painted wood of different periods], ch. in: Raqqa, vol. 5, ed. Stefan Heidemann, Palaces at Raqqa: Architectural Decoration, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018 in print.
Introduction: Early Photography in the Near and Middle East and the Notion of an ‚Indigenous Lens’ (with Staci Scheiwiller), in: Markus Ritter & Staci G. Scheiwiller, eds, The Indigenous Lens? Early Photography in the Near and Middle East, Berlin: De Gruyter 2018, pp. 11–26.
The Kashan Mihrab in Berlin: a Historiography of Persian Lustreware, in: Yuka Kadoi, ed., Persian Art: Image-making in Eurasia, Edinburgh University Press 2018, pp. 157–178.
Islamic Art in Europe: Material for Discussion, (with Johanna Schwanberg), in: Schwanberg (ed.), Dom Museum Wien: Art Religion, Society, Berlin: De Gruyter 2017, pp. 249–260; 211–213, pp. 520–521.
Islamische Kunst in Europa: Ein Stoff für Diskussionen, (with Johanna Schwanberg), in: Schwanberg (ed.), Dom Museum Wien: Kunst _Kirche _Gesellschaft, Berlin: De Gruyter 2017, pp. 249–260; 211–213, 520–521.
Between Iran and Iravân: The Mosque in the Citadel of Yerevan and Patronage in Early 19th-Century Qajar Architecture
| ساج تمسج دقلعة ايروا نب احماى تحاكمان اواى لقاجار ،قرن نوزدهم :ميان ايران و ايوان Memar: Iranian Bimonthly on Architecture and Urban Design 102, 2017, pp. 40-45.
一座已消失的恺加时期埃里温城堡内的清真寺 : 19 世纪早期的建筑与认同,及伊朗与地方的建 筑传统 (transl. Yu Yusen), in: Reports on Eurasian Studies, 2, Beijing: 2016, pp. 206-250.
Umayyad Foundation Inscriptions and the Inscription of al-Walīd from Khirbat al-Minya: Text, Usage, Visual Form, in: H.-P- Kuhnen (ed.), Khirbat al-Minya: Der Umayyadenpalast am See Genezareth, Rahden: 2016 (Orient-Archäologie; Band 36), pp. 59-83.
Cloth of Gold from West Asia in a Late Medieval European Context: The Abū Saʿīd Textile in Vienna - Princely Funeral and Cultural Transfer, in: Juliane von Fircks and Regula Schorta (eds.), Oriental Silks in Medieval Europe, Abegg Stiftung 2016 (Riggisberger Berichte; 21), pp. 231-251.
"The Most Beautiful": The History of the 623/1226 Lustre Mihrab from Kashan
and Persian Art Collecting in Europe (.تاريخج ى محراب زرين فام كاشان ( ٦٣٢ هق / ١٢٢٦ م
:<<و گرد آورى آثار هنرى ايران در اروپا <<زيباترين in: Abbas Akbari (ed.), An Oriental Devotion, نيايش شرفى Teheran, 2015.
Stoff für die Ewigkeit: Luxusgewebe mit arabischen Inschriften in spätmittelalterlichen Fürstengräbern Europas und die Grabhülle Rudolfs IV., in: Heidrun Rosenberg and Michael V. Schwarz, Wien 1365: eine Universität entsteht, Vienna: Böhlau, 2015, pp. 54-71.
Umayyadisches Ornament und christliche Motive: Marmorrelieffriese (Champlevé) im Palast von Ḫirbat al-Minya [Umayyad Ornament and Christian Motifs: Marble Relief Friezes (Champlevé) in the Palace of Khirbat al-Minya]. In: Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie, vol. 3, Wiesbaden: Reichert 2012, 113-137 with 23 ills.
Zum Siegesmonument in islamischer Kunst: Schlachtenbild und Trophäen an einem Portal im safawidischen Isfahan, Iran 17. Jhdt. [On monuments of victory in Islamic Art: Battle painting and trophies at a portal in Safavid Isfahan, Iran 17th century]. In: Inszenierung des Sieges - Sieg der Inszenierung, eds. Michaela Fahlenbock, Lukas Madersbacher and Ingo Schneider, Innsbruck: Studienverlag 2011, 181-198 with 14 ills.
Kunst mit Botschaft: Der Gold-Seide-Stoff für den Ilchan Abū Saʽīd von Iran (Grabgewand Rudolfs IV. in Wien) - Rekonstruktion, Typus, Repräsentationsmedium [Art with a message: The cloth of silk and gold for the Ilkhan Abu Sa'id (burial garment of Rudolph IV in Vienna) - reconstruction, type, medium of representation]. In: Ritter & Korn (eds.) 2010 (above), 105-135 with 20 ills. and 3 tables.
The Lost Mosque(s) in the Citadel of Qajar Yerevan: Architecture and Identity, Iranian and Local Tradition in the Early 19th century. Iran and the Caucasus 13/2, Leiden and Boston (2009) 2010, 239-280 with 22 figs. and 1 table.
Malerei im safawidischen Iran (1501-1722) und europäische Bilder / Painting in Safavid Iran (1501-1722) and European Pictures. In: Global:Lab - Kunst als Botschaft: Asien und Europa / Art as a Message: Asia and Europe; 1500-1700 (Museum for Applied Arts Vienna, catalogue of the exhibition 3.6.-27.9.2009), ed. Peter Noever, Ostfildern: Hatje 2009, 270-273 with 3 ills.
Das herrscherliche Portal und die Nordseite des Maidans von Schah ʽAbbās I. im safawidischen Isfahan [The Royal Portal and the North Side of the Maydân of Shah 'Abbâs I in Safavid Isfahan]. In: Ritter/Kauz/Hoffmann (eds.) 2008 (above), 337-351 with 3 figs., pls. 3b-5.
Monumental Epigraphy in Iran. Paired Panels with Square Kufic Script and Saʿdī Verses in Safavid and Earlier Islamic Architecture. Eurasian Studies VI, Naples and Halle/Saale (2007-2008) 2010, 19-37, pls. I-VII.
Re-evaluating the Architecture of 18th-19th-Century Early Qâjâr Iran: The case of religious architecture
\ ميلادي : ابتداي دوران قاجاريهدر ايران (قرن ۱۲ تا ۱۳ هجري) ؛ بررسيموردي معماري مذهبي ارزيابي مجدد معماري قرن ۱۸ تا ۱۹
Memar: Iranian Bimonthly on Architecture and Urban Design 48, Teheran 2008, pp. 44-49.
Early Qajar Architecture of Mosque and Madrase in Political Context. In: The Qajar Epoch, edd. Chahryar Adle und Paul Luft, in preparation; submitted 2000.
[The Making of a Gothic Figural Baldachin: Plan- and Reconstruction-Drawings]. In: Manfred Schuller, Architektonisches Nebenwerk und Befund. In: Beiträge zur fränkischen Kunstgeschichte 1/2, 1996, edd. Markus Hörsch and Peter Ruderich, figs. 22a-b, 35a-c, e-f.
Online, Newspaper, and Interview Publications
Mohammed-Bilder im Islam
(interview & text: Irene Klissenbauer), online in:, 24.1.2023
نامه درباره خانههای کازرون
Mehrnews (Dec. 2020)
Kurze Geschichte der islamischen Kunstgeschichte in Wien und Österreich [Brief History of Islamic Art History in Vienna and Austria], 2016, online
نظاره خويشتن از پنجره غربي (interview & text: Esmailpour & Mirnezami) Quarterly Hamshahri-ye Memari 29, summer 2015, pp. 56-65.
Das Museum für Frühislamische Kunst in Bamberg. INAMO: Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittler Osten 1, 1995, 49-50 [The Museum of Early Islamic Art at Bamberg]. Reprinted as: "Ein Islamisches Museum in Bamberg". In: Der Arabische Almanach, Bonn 1996, pp. 21-24.
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