Teaching in History of Islamic Art

VO = Vorlesung / lecture
SE = Seminar / graduate seminar
UE = Übung / seminar-style course for undergraduates & graduates
FS = Fallstudie (Proseminar) / undergraduate seminar
EX = Exkursion / fieldtrip
Kolloquium (Privatissimum) / Tutorial or seminar for students working on Master and PhD theses
Propädeutikum STEOP / Lecture introducing History of Islamic Art within the introductory lecture cycle on History of Art
W = Wintersemester / winter term S = Sommersemester / spring - summer term

-2021/22 W-
SEPainting under the Safavid Dynasty in Iran (Ritter)
EXBerlin (Ritter)
SEThesis Seminar (Ritter)
VOIntroduction to Art History III (Ritter)
FS II/III"Lost in Translation?" (Compagnon)
Introduction to Art History: Exemplary Studies (Ritter)
-2021 S-
VOPersian Book Painting (Ritter)
SEThesis Seminar (Ritter)
SEStudying Original Works of Islamic Book Painting (Ritter)
FS II/IIIPainting in the Ottoman Empire (Göloglu)
EXArt in Vienna: Islamic Art in Vienna (Göloglu)
FS II/IIIBook Painting in Early Contemporary India (Compagnon)
Introduction to Art History: Exemplary Studies (Ritter)
-2020/21 W-
SEGlass, Crystal, and Mirror in Islamic Art (Ritter)
SEThesis Seminar (Ritter)
EXField Trip: Arab Spain (Ritter)
UEIntroduction to Ceramic Arts from Medieval Spain to Central Asia (Göloglu)
FSI: The Arts of the Book at the Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal Courts (Compagnon)
FSII/III: Architecture in the Ottoman Empire (Göloglu)
General Introduction (Ritter)
-2020 S-
VOImagery in Islamic Western Asia (Markus Ritter)
SEPalace Architecture in Islamic Westasia and the Mediterranean (Markus Ritter)
SEThesis Seminar (Markus Ritter)
EXField Trip: Arab Art in Spain (Markus Ritter)
EXViennese Art: Islamic Art in Vienna (Sabiha Göloglu)
UESasanian Art and Architecture in Iran, 224-651 (Meysam Labbaf-Khaniki)
FSII/III: Photography in and beyond Ottoman Lands (Sabiha Göloglu)
General Introduction (Ritter)
-2019/20 W-
VOArt History Survey III (Ritter)
SEPractical Applications (Ritter)
SEPersian Painting and the Shahname (Book of Kings)
FSI: Malerei und Zeichnung im frühneuzeitlichen Persien (Compagnon)
General Introduction (Ritter)
-2019 S-
VOAn Introduction to Islamic Architecture in Iran: the Medieval and Early Modern Periods (Ritter)
SEPractical Applications (Ritter)
SEA Portable Gallery: Islamic Arts of the Book in the Album for Sultan Murat III in Vienna (Ritter)
EXIsfahan (Ritter, Guidetti)
EXKunst in Wien: Islamic Art in Vienna (Guidetti)
FSI: Ottoman Book Painting from the 15th c. to the 18th c. (Compagnon)
FS II/III: Fatimid Art and Architectural Decoration(Guidetti)
General Introduction (Ritter)
-2018/19 W-
VOCultural history of Egypt from Late Antiquity to the present (Ritter)
SECourse: Practical Applications (Ritter)
SEThemes in Persian book painting (Ritter)
UEAbbasid Palaces and Persian Architectural Traditions (Safa Mahmoudian)
FSI: Painting in Arabic and Persian Manuscripts, 10th-14th c. (Compagnon)
FSII/III: Metalworks from the Islamic World (Guidetti)
FSII/III: Architecure in Islamic Cairo (Ritter)
General Introduction (Ritter)
VOArchitecture of the Early Islamic Period: Forms and Functions from the Late Antiquity to c. 1000 AD (Ritter)
SEDas Bild in der Kunst des frühislamischen Vorderasien (Ritter)
EXSarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) - Architecture and Arts in the Ottoman and Habsburg Balkans (Ritter, Hartmuth)
UEExhibiting Islamic Art: Past Experiences, Current Practices (Guidetti)
UEIntroduction to Sasanian Art and Architecture in Iran based on Archaeolog. Evidence, 224-651 AD (Labbaf-Khaniki)
FSII/III: The Beginnings of Islamic Art: Themes and Problems (Guidetti)
Research Seminar (Ritter)
General Introduction (Ritter)
-2017/18 W-
UEIslamic and Global Perspectives on Early Medieval Art (Guidetti)
FSTraditions of Palace Buildings in West Asia in Early Islamic Periods (Mahmoudian)
FSThe Islamic Dome in the Age of Michelangelo (Hartmuth)
Research Seminar (Ritter)
General Introduction (Ritter)
VOArchitecture of the Islamic Periods in Iran (Ritter)
SEArt in 19th-Islamic countries between "tradition" and "modernity" (Ritter)
UEPractice and History of Lustreware in Medieval Islam: Learning by Doing (Ritter)
FSThe Princely Cycle in the Arts from the Medieval Arab World (Guidetti)
FSPalace, Mosque, Baza: Architecture under the Safavids in Iran, 16th-18th Century (Mahmoudian)
FSArts and Crafts in the Ottoman World: Aesthetics, Techniques, Materiality (Hartmuth)
Research Seminar (Ritter)
General Introduction (Ritter)
-2016/17 W-
VOEinführung in die Geschichte persischer Architektur islamischer Zeit / Introduction to the history of Persian architecture in the Islamic periods (Ritter)
EXExkursion Iran: Architektur und Kunst islamischer und antiker Zeit in West- und Zentraliran / Fieldtrip Iran: Architecture and arts in the Islamic and ancient periods in Western and Central Iran (Ritter)
FSIslam and Europe: Cultural Transfers during the Middle Ages (Guidetti)
Kolloquium: Laufende Qualifikationsarbeiten (Ritter)
Propädeutikum STEOP (Ritter)
- 2016 S -
SELüster: Formen, Geschichte und Ästhetik einer arabischen und persischen Keramikhochtechnologie in Mittelalter und Neuzeit / Lustre: Form, History and Esthetics of Arab and Persian Ceramics: hightech in the medieval and early modern periods (Ritter)
SEGeschichte der islamischen Kunstgeschichte / History of Islamic Art History (Ritter)
EX Islamische Kunst in Wien / Islamic Art in Vienna (Ritter)
FSSino-Islamica: Artistic Interactions Between the Islamic World and China in the Medieval Period (Ben Azzouna)
FSThe Holy City of Jerusalem (Guidetti)
FSFS Ansätze zu persischer Buchmalerei / Approaches to Persian Book Painting (Sturkenboom)
Kolloquium Laufende Qualifikationsarbeiten (Ritter)
Propädeutikum STEOP (Ritter)
– 2015/16 W –
SEGartenbau und Wasserbau in Westasien und im islamischen Mittelmeerraum in Mittelalter und Neuzeit / Garden and Water Architecture in West Asia and the Islamic Mediterranean in the Medieval and Early Modern Period (Ritter)
SEBuchkunst im arabischen Mittelalter / Arts of the Book in the Medieval Arab Periods (Ritter)
UEDarstellungen des Herrschers in islamischer Kunst (Mittelalter und Neuzeit) / Representations of the Ruler in Medieval and Early Modern Islamic Art (Ritter)
FSBetween Reality and Myth: Bagdad as Artistic Capital of Medieval Islam (Ben Azzouna)
FSAcross the Strait of Gibraltar: Western Islamic Art in the Middle Ages (Guidetti)
Kolloquium Laufende Qualifikationsarbeiten (Ritter)
Propädeutikum STEOP (Ritter)
– 2015 S –
VOBaukunst und Städtebau im Arabischen Reich unter den Umayyaden und Abbasiden / Architecture and Urbanism in the Arab Lands under the Umayyads and the Abbasids (Ritter)
EXExkursion Ägypten: Architektur und Kunst in Kairo / Field Trip Egypt: Architecture and Arts in Cairo (Ritter)
EXArt in Vienna (Guidetti)
FSThe Mediterranean Horizon: Fatimid Art and its Diffusion, 10th-12th c. (Ben Azzouna)
FSFrom the Arabian Peninsula to the World: Late Antiquity and the Rise of Islamic Art (Guidetti)
FSTauschierte Metallarbeiten von Mosul bis Kairo / Inlaid Metalwork from Mosul to Cairo (Sturkenboom)
Kolloquium Laufende Qualifikationsarbeiten (Ritter)
Propädeutikum STEOP (Ritter)
– 2014/15 W –
VOWomen and Gender in Islamic Art (Scheiwiller)
SESex, Gender and Desire in Nineteenth-Century Iranian and Ottoman Photography (Scheiwiller)
UEEinführung in die osmanische Buchkunst, 15./16. Jahrhundert / Introduction to Ottoman Book Painting (Sturkenboom)
FSIntroduction to Islamic Calligraphy and Art in the Qur'an (Ben Azzouna)
FSVon der Weltausstellung zum "Global Lab": Islamische Kunst im Spiegel moderner westlicher Ausstellungspraxis / World's Fair to "Global Lab":The Arts of Islam and modern Exhibition Practice in the West (Troelenberg)
FSGender and Other Identities in the History of Iranian Photography (Scheiwiller)
Kolloquium Laufende Qualifikationsarbeiten (Ritter)
– 2014 S –
VOArchitektur vom Mittelalter bis zur Neuzeit in Ägypten und Syrien / Architecture in Syria and Egypt from the Medieval to the Early Modern Periods (Ritter)
SEBilder der Dichtung: Persische Miniaturmalerei und das ‚Buch der Könige’ (Schahname) / Persian Miniature Painting and the ‚Book of Kings’ (Shahname) (Ritter)
UEIslamische Kunst im vorosmanischen Kleinasien, 12.-13. Jh. / Islamic Art in pre-Ottoman Anatolia, 12th-13th c. (Hartmuth)
UEArchitektur des 20. Jahrhunderts und der Gegenwart in Iran: Transformationen der Moderne / Architecture in Iran: Paths to Modernity (Hakim)
FSKalila and Dimna: The Mirror for Princes and its Illustrations in Islamic Art (Ben Azzouna)
FSOsmanische Architektur: Einführung in Themen und Kontexte / Ottoman Architecture: an Introduction to Form and Context (Ritter)
EXKunst in Wien: Objects of Islamic Art in Vienna’s Collections (Ben Azzouna)

Kolloquium Laufende Qualifikationsarbeiten (Ritter)
Propädeutikum STEOP (Ritter)
– 2013/14 W –
VODer Tadsch Mahal in der indischen und islamischen Architekturtradition  / The Taj Mahal in the Indian and Islamic Architectural Tradition (Koch)
EXExkursion Iran: Architektur und Kunst vom Mittelalter bis zur Moderne /  Fieldtrip Iran: Architecture  and Arts from Medieval to Modern Periods (Ritter)
SEFrühislamischer Baudekor zwischen Spätantike und Mittelalter / Early Islamic Architectural Decor between Late Antique and Early Medieval Art (Ritter/Meinecke, interdisziplinär / interdisciplinary)
FSEinführung in Werke islamischer Kunst / Introduction to Islamic Art (Hartmuth)
FSIslamic Art in Vienna (Ben Azzouna)
FSMughal Painting (Ben Azzouna)
Kolloquium Laufende Qualifikationsarbeiten (Ritter)
Propädeutikum STEOP (Ritter)
– 2013 S –
VOArchitektur in Iran und Zentralasien in Mittelalter und Neuzeit / Architecture in Iran and Central Asia during the Medieval and Early Modern Periods (Ritter)
SENatur und Mensch: persische Malerei vom Spätmittelalter bis zur Neuzeit / Persian Painting from the Late Medieval to the Early Modern Periods (Ritter)
UETextilien der islamischen Welt: Annäherungen an eine komplexe Geschichte / Textiles of the Islamic World: Approaching a Complex History (Karl)
FSOsmanische Profanarchitektur: Typen, Bauformen, Hauptwerke / Ottoman secular Architecture: Types, Forms and Major Works (Hartmuth)
Kolloquium Laufende Qualifikationsarbeiten (Ritter)
Propädeutikum STEOP (Ritter)
– 2012/13 W –
VOMittelalterliche islamische Architektur unter den Umayyaden und Abbasiden / Islamic Architecture (Ritter)
SEArabische Malerei im Mittelalter (Ritter)
UEIstanbul als Zentrum islamischer Kunst nach 1453: Themen und Gattungen osmanischer Kunst / Istanbul as a Centre of Islamic Art after 1453: Themes and Genres of Ottoman Art (Hartmuth)
Kolloquium Laufende Qualifikationsarbeiten (Ritter)
Propädeutikum STEOP (Ritter)


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